
Ag Update is Extension Dane & Dodge County’s monthly e-newsletter. Updates will include University of Wisconsin-Madison resources and information from the Crops & Soils and Dairy program areas.

Ask an Agriculture Question!

Have an Ag question that you can’t quite find an answer for? Wonder if something has changed? Please use the below button to submit your question to the UW Extension and an educator with knowledge in that area will assist you with the information.

Predictive Equations for Alfalfa Quality (PEAQ) is a method to measure standing alfalfa’s forage quality before it’s harvested. PEAQ readings are taken by farmers bi-weekly on Monday and Thursdays to help other farmers determine the timing of first cut.

Farm Record Books for sale for $8 each.

Pick up in the Extension Dodge County Office.

Century and Sesquicentennial Farm Program

The Century Farm Awards Program began in 1948 in conjunction with the State of Wisconsin’s Centennial Celebration. There are currently nearly 10,000 Century Farms nestled throughout the Badger State.

The Sesquicentennial Program similarly originated in 1998 as part of the State’s Sesquicentennial Celebration and has since honored over 975 properties. In 2021, 111 property owners were honored.

Applications are available in the Extension Dodge County office. For more information see the Wisconsin State Fair website or call 414.777.0580.

Application deadline: March 1.

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