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Clean Sweep/Recycling
Give them to us!!
Dodge County Clean Sweep Collection/Recycling Program

Saturday, August 24, 2024 | 8 AM – 12 NOON
All residents of Dodge County are invited to participate. Farms are asked to pre-register and and businesses are required to pre-register so as the waste disposal company can accommodate their needs.
- Site: Dodge County Highway Shop | N8856 Cty Hwy A, Beaver Dam, WI
- Hazardous Materials Collected: household, farm, business.
- Household/$10 Vehicle (Registration NOT required)
- Agriculture is FREE – Pre-registration is required for Agriculture when bringing large quantities
- Small Business (VSQG)/must pre-register; call 920-386-3790; cost will be assessed (VSQG Chemical Inventory Sheet PDF)
A VSQG is a small business that generates less than 2,205 lbs. of legally defined hazardous waste.

(Northwest off of Hwy 151)
Clean Sweep programs provide the public with opportunities to safely and legally dispose of unwanted pesticides, household products and chemicals. Clean Sweep programs are funded through grant money from Wisconsin’s Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). This program collects, treats, stores, or disposes of waste in an environmentally safe method through a licensed hazardous waste facility. Hazardous wastes can usually be identified by products which contain any of the following words: caution, warning, danger, poison, toxic, ignitable or flammable, acid, corrosive or reactive.
This program helps the public with the opportunity to dispose of unwanted pesticides, household products and chemicals for disposal before they cause problems so we can keep ourselves, our children and the environment safe.
Clean Sweep Guidelines:

- Pack items in the back of vehicle. Do NOT pack material in the back seat.
- Keep like materials together & place in cardboard boxes
- We will NOT return cardboard boxes used to transport items to the collection
- You must stay in your vehicle at all times
- Put all items in your trunk or as close to the hatchback as possible
- Materials should be properly identified with their original labels
- DO NOT MIX materials together
- Unknown materials can be brought in, but Dodge County and its hazardous waste disposal contractor reserve the right to refuse any material
Acceptable Household Materials:
Acrylic Paint | Aerosol Cans | Air Freshener | Black Tar/Sealant |
Brake Fluid | Carburetor Cleaner | Compact Curly Florescent Bulbs | Contaminated Fluid |
Dry Cleaning Fluid | Enamel Paint | Engine Cleaner | Florescent Tubes |
Furniture & Floor Polishes | Glues | Gun Cleaning Fluid | Lacquer |
Lead-Based Paint | Light Ballasts | Linseed Oil | Lye |
Mercury | Mercury & Lithium Batteries | Mercury Thermometers | Mildew Cleaner |
Moth Balls | Nail Polish Remover | Oil Metal-Based Paint | Old Gas |
Oven Cleaner | Paint Stripper | Perfume Bottles | Silver Polish |
Spot Remover | Swimming Pool Chemicals | Thinners | Transmission Fluid |
Turpentine | Varnish | Window Cleaner |
Materials Not Accepted:
Alkaline Batteries | Ammunition | Anti-Freeze | Cell Phones |
Computers | Computers | Compressed Cylinders | Electronics |
Explosives | Fertilizers | Fire Extinguishers | Fireworks, etc |
Human Medical/Biological Wastes | Latex Paint | Radioactive Materials | Smoke Detectors |
Used Motor Oil | Televisions | Tires |
Acceptable Agriculture Materials:
2,4-D | 2,4,5-T | Chlordane |
DDT | Fungicides | Herbicides |
Hydraulic Oil | Insecticides | Light Ballasts |
Old Gas | Rodent Bait | Slivex |
Vacuum Pump Oil | Wood Preservatives | Damaged, cancelled, banned or otherwise unwanted agriculture chemicals |
Other Area Clean Sweep Collections
The link below shows the collections funded by Wisconsin Clean Sweep. If you do not see your community listed, contact your solid waste department, landfill, land conservation department or extension office.
Also included below are two sites not far from Dodge County in the event that our local collection does not meet your needs. There may be collection and disposal options available that are not funded by Clean Sweep. Pre-registration is often required for farms and businesses.
Wisconsin Clean Sweep Collection Schedules & Locations
Dane County, WI – Clean Sweep (608) 838-3212
Year Round Facility – Madison – Call ahead for details
Out of County residents: $75 per trip
Click the facility name above for a full list of information from their facility.
Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction (920) 232-7373
*Multiple Wisconsin Locations*
Electronics recycling and Data Destruction
Click the facility name above for a full list of what recycle with pricing.
Facts About Clean Sweep
- Clean Sweep Flyer – Spanish (PDF, 1 page, 68 KB)
- Clean Sweep Fact Sheet-Spanish (PDF, 4 pages, 70 KB)
- Clean Sweep Fact Sheet (PDF, 4 pages, 55 KB)
- Agricultural Chemicals Clean Sweep Program (PDF, 1 page, 15 KB)
- Small Business Hazardous Waste Clean Sweep Program (PDF, 1 page, 11 KB)
- Battery Recycling Guide (PDF, 1 page, 71 KB)
- Latex Paint (PDF, 1 page, 65 KB)
- Oil Filter Recycling (PDF, 1 page, 86 KB)
Other Helpful UW-Extension Publications:
- Home & Garden Pesticides (PDF, 4 pages, 239 KB)
- Waste Oil and Other Automotive Products (PDF, 2 pages, 185KB)
- Paint and Other Home Improvement Products (PDF, 4 pages, 198 KB)