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4-H Leaders Association

About the Leaders Association
- All volunteers are Leaders Association members, and have completed VIP Training (Volunteers in Preparation).
- The 4-H Leaders Association provides leaders with liability insurance, financial support to attend leader trainings, resources for club meetings and 4-H mailings, and a voice in the 4-H program.
- Dodge County 4-H policies are discussed and made at Leaders Association meetings.
- Meetings are held five times a year in February, April, June, September and October at 7pm at the Dodge County Administration Building, Juneau. Watch the 4-H Newsletter and Leader Logue for details.
- Dodge County 4-H Leaders Association, Inc. Constitution & Bylaws (PDF)
- Dodge County Leader Reimbursement Form (PDF)
- Dodge County Leader Reimbursement Form (Word Docx)
2024-2025 Dodge County 4-H Leaders Association Executive Board Members
- Nikki Meagher, President
- Anita Roberts, President – Elect
- Teresa Stowell, Past President
- Natalie Siedschlag, Secretary
- Bryanna Slechta, Treasurer
- Josh Roberts, Reporter
- Melissa Lake
- John Siedschlag
- Teresa Stowell
- Nikki Meagher
- Anita Roberts
- Bryanna Slechta
- Penny Seaver
- Natalie Siedschlag
- Lucy Stowell
- Josh Roberts
- Max Luedtke
- Isabelle Justmann
- Carmen Lake
- Isaac Clark
- Allisyn Eggen
- Olivia Downey
4-H Leaders’ Association Executive Board
- The 4-H Leaders’ Board is made up of elected volunteer leaders.
- Responsible for program development and direction in Dodge County 4-H, coordinating fundraising, developing an annual budget and all financial transactions.
- They set the agenda for the Association meetings and prepare draft policies for items on which the Association needs to make a decision.
- Advised by the 4-H Youth Development Educator.
- Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at the Dodge County Administration Building in Juneau, usually opposite months that the Leaders’ Association meets. Meeting details are in the 4-H Newsletter.
- To keep youth interested in 4-H.
- Encourage county activities participation.
- Increase parental involvement.
- Make the county fair educational and fun.
- Promote positive self-esteem.
- Encourage active attendance at leaders’ meetings.
- Promote the goals and objectives of UW-Extension 4-H Youth Programs.
Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Policies
Wisconsin 4-H Insurance Information
Special Risk Insurance/Accident Coverage Application Info
Dodge County 4-H Endowment Fund
This fund was established to provide funding for educational and leadership opportunities for 4-H youth and adults. The Dodge County 4-H Leaders Association sponsors grant awards from the Endowment Fund. Grant application deadlines are December 31 and June 30. Read More about the Endowment Fund.