The bright yellow, orange and red colors of autumn leaves are one of nature’s most beautiful spectacles.
While many factors can affect the quality and duration of autumn leaf colors, the single most important factor influencing this phenomenon is the weather during the time that leaves are changing color. Cool, sunny weather will result in the brightest foliage colors. Because plants use the red pigments to shade leaves from bright light, sunny autumn days will result in plants producing more of these pigments.
While cool autumn weather is best for the development of brightly colored foliage, hard freezes may irreparably damage leaves before the disassembly process is complete and the brightest colors have emerged. Conversely, very warm autumn temperatures accelerate the processes within leaves and thus shorten the length of time that the colorful leaves remain on plants. Warm temperatures will also reduce the amount of red pigments produced in leaves.
Check out the full article about this amazing fall spectacle that everyone enjoys!!