Cool New State Weather Tracking & Soil Moisture Measurement Coming Soon!

Wisconet provides up-to-date weather information to support Wisconsin farmers, researchers and residents If you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes, it will change. Wisconsin saw such changes this spring. After a record wet January – April, the state experienced the third-driest May-June in the last 129 years. Lack of precipitation during the growing season […]

Let 4-H be your Spark!

A spark is a passion for a self identified interest or skill, or a capacity that metaphorically lights a fire inan young person’s life, providing energy, joy, purpose, and direction. Youth sparks are essential. Having a spark gives a sense of direction and encourages goal setting. Every young person has the potential to have a […]

Why do leaves change colors in Fall?

The bright yellow, orange and red colors of autumn leaves are one of nature’s most beautiful spectacles. While many factors can affect the quality and duration of autumn leaf colors, the single most important factor influencing this phenomenon is the weather during the time that leaves are changing color.  Cool, sunny weather will result in […]

Fall Garden & Yard Cleanup Tips!

In this video, learn how to approach your garden and yard cleanup with a better understanding of strategies you can use to benefit your yard, keeping in mind plant diseases, insects, winter interest and wildlife food. When preparing a garden for fall and winter, focus on plant diseases, insect pests, proper plant disposal, leaf management, […]

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