Focus on 4-H for May 31, 2024
Weekly updates and information on 4-H news, activities, and educational offerings.
All youth development information.
Weekly updates and information on 4-H news, activities, and educational offerings.
What is Extension? Do you offer classes? Are they free? Is there someone to answer my questions? Can you test the lid on my pressure canner? What’s wrong with my tree? You’ve come to the right place! Extension in Action is a NEW monthly newsletter to update you on current class offerings and tidbits of […]
Weekly updates and information on 4-H news, activities, and educational offerings.
Written by Marie Witzel4-H Youth Development EducatorUW Extension Dodge County The 2023 Dodge County Summer 4-H Intern worked with the educator to create a brochure and video to use to promote 4-H in the county. The brochure was used at National Night Out and the video was released on the county website for National 4-H […]
Shared from Becky Pfile, Columbia County 4-H Educator One of my favorite things about 4-H is providing opportunities where young people can discover things that spark their interest. Sparks of interest are important because they allow youth to discover their passions and talents which leads to an improved sense of purpose and fulfillment,and motivates youth […]
Weekly updates and information on 4-H news, activities, and educational offerings.
Written by Marie Witzel | UW-Madison, Division of Extension4-H Youth Development Educator, Dodge County Wisconsin 4-H has not had a method to learn about youth perspectives on their involvement in 4-H. By evaluating their engagement and thriving, we can learn what areas are working and how we can improve. The study has been happening in Dodge […]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Take a moment for yourself and check out this calendar from Berkeley to help you take a moment every day for the month of May!