
Topics include:

Regional Crops & Soils Educator

Will Fulwider

Dodge and Dane Counties

Field Notes Podcast

What is Field Notes? Two regional crops educators with UW-Madison Extension in Wisconsin combining their skills, knowledge, and experience to help farmers and agronomists develop research-based solutions to issues facing agriculture in Wisconsin.

  • Excess water, drought, and water quality are frequent topics in Wisconsin's agricultural community. We sit down with Mallika Nocco, assistant professor and extension specialist in agrohydrology from UW-Madison to discuss water conservation: What is it, why does it matter for Wisconsin farmers, and what are practical ways we can implement it on the landscape? Listen […]
  • Much time has been spent on the environmental benefits of conservation agriculture. But, do practices like reduced tillage and cover crops pencil out for farmers, and how do we figure that out? In the second episode of this two-fer on the economics of conservation, we talk with Jake Kaderly, who works as a crop consultant […]

The Cutting Edge Podcast

Join UW-Madison Division of Extension as they search for new crops for Wisconsin growers, processors, and consumers.  The strength of Wisconsin’s agricultural economy is its diversity…something that doesn’t just happen by chance.  It is a product of the relentless drive of researchers and farmers to innovate, explore, and experiment.  Join us for a glimpse into the exciting new research and development bringing new crops and diversity to Wisconsin.

All podcasts along with more information can be found at The Cutting Edge HERE.

You also may subscribe to The Cutting Edge: A Podcast In Search of New Crops For Wisconsin HERE.

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