Written by Marie Witzel | UW-Madison, Division of Extension
4-H Youth Development Educator, Dodge County
Wisconsin 4-H has not had a method to learn about youth perspectives on their involvement in 4-H. By evaluating their engagement and thriving, we can learn what areas are working and how we can improve. The study has been happening in Dodge County for a few years. This spring, I was able to hold a focus group with youth for our evaluation specialist to get additional helpful information.
Response to Need
This fall, Wisconsin 4-H will be encouraging members (ages 13-18) to complete a survey about their 4-H experience. The survey was developed by National 4-H Leaders (https://helping-youth-thrive.extension.org/) and will help Wisconsin 4-H to learn about the quality of our programs. The information will help to show how 4-H helps young people to learn new things, develop leadership skills, manage goals, set high personal standards, create positive academic attitudes, and other skills that lead to long-term success in life.
The survey will be sent to all Wisconsin 4-H members by e-mail in the first week of October. Youth who complete the survey will be entered into a raffle to win a $25 gift card!
Please keep an eye out for messages and more information about this important survey. For more information on the 4-H Thriving Model, visit 4-H Thriving Model – Wisconsin 4-H.
Outcomes of Effort
Last fall, WI 4-H youth, age 13 and older were invited to participate in the Thrive Evaluation. In Dodge County, there was a 28% response rate to the survey. That data adds to the state data but also give us helpful information to use here in Dodge County.
From the demographics of the youth who completed, there was 33% male and 62% female. The highest group of youth respondents were grade 8-10.
As you can see most of the areas in Dodge County are at high quality. One of the areas that is exciting to see is the increase in sparks from last year when it was 4.89. The other areas increase as well, but Sparks was the most significant.