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Home and Community Education (HCE)
HCE Offers Opportunities to
Learn… Share… Grow… Care…
In Our Communities, Our Homes and The World

HCE Mission Statement
HCE offers opportunities for learning in a social setting, sharing what we learn, and caring to make a difference in our homes, communities, and the world.
What is HCE?
HCE is a non-profit organization that partners with UW-Extension Family Living Programs at both the state and the county level to bring quality educational programming to our members and our communities.
What is Dodge County HCE?
HCE is a non-profit organization that partners with UW-Extension Family Living Programs at both the state and the county level to bring quality educational programming to our members and our communities.
Dodge County Association for Home and Community Education (Dodge County HCE) is one of 53 county organizations that maintain membership with the non-profit state organization – Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education, Inc. (WAHCE, Inc.) Wisconsin Association for Home & Community Education
For over seventy years, Dodge County HCE has been providing educational programs for its members who then share the information they learn with family, friends and neighbors. Dodge County HCE also gives members opportunities to volunteer their time and talents within the local community.
HCE Programs | Learning Sessions
Educational programs, called Learning Sessions, on a variety of topics chosen each year by the members of Dodge County HCE are presented to members and the public.
Programs are presented by the UW-Extension Family Living Educator, by local resource people, and/or by HCE members who are knowledgeable in the topic being presented.
Most programs are held at the Dodge County Administration Building in Juneau.
Membership is open to all persons without regard to race, color, ethnic background or economic circumstances.
Members typically join HCE clubs, but may join as Individual Members. All members within the same household may take part in HCE activities.
HCE Club Membership
An HCE club is a group of friends and neighbors who meet regularly to:
- Get the latest information on what’s new for the home and family.
- Learn how to do things and/or go to places that are of interest to the group.
- Get involved with community service projects.
- Have fellowship and fun.
Individual Membership
Individual Membership is for a person who is interested in learning, but may be too busy to attend club meetings, and wishes to attend HCE educational programs, events and activities that are of personal interest to him/her.
Membership News
For an annual membership dues payment of $14.00 to Dodge County HCE:
- You can join an organized club. Currently, there are seven HCE clubs in Dodge County.
- You can become an Individual Member.
- You can organize your own HCE club.
- Dues include membership in the county and state HCE organizations, and the HCE-affiliate national organization.
- Dodge County HCE members may attend all county, district, state and national HCE events.
For more information, contact the Dodge County UW-Extension office at 920-386-3790.
HCE Scholarship
The Dodge County Association for Home and Community Education Scholarship is a $500 scholarship awarded annually to a student enrolled in an accredited post-high school educational institution in any field of study.
Any high school senior or high school graduate, who is a close relative of a member of Dodge County HCE, and any Dodge County HCE member, may apply for this scholarship.
Application deadline is April 1st each year. To obtain a copy of the scholarship application, you may print the HCE Scholarship application here; or contact the Dodge County UW-Extension Family Living Educator.
HCE Program Booklet
HCE Quarterly Newsletters
For More Information Contact:
Pattie Carroll, Human Development Educator
Dodge County Admin Bldg
127 E Oak Street , Juneau WI 53039