Preparing for the World of Opportunities Sessions

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Event Information


October 21st, 2024


6:30pm - 8:00pm



Oh, the places you’ll go – Preparing for the World of Opportunities

Are you 7th Grade or older? Thinking about the future? Want to know where to start?

The 4-H Preparing for the World of Opportunities is a series of workshops that helps youth 7th grade and older prepare for the real-world experience and practice applying for member experiences, scholarships and employment. The series will focus on learning about the 4-H World of Work curriculum from Utah State, including how to find opportunities, creating a resume and cover letter, preparing for an interview, interviewing and next steps.  We also plan to have some special opportunities to connect with the College for Rural Wisconsin Program to learn more about their programs and support for youth.  Please register for one, two, or more sessions at least one week prior to the session to allow for planning of any materials.

Event Location

Dodge Cty Administration Building
127 E Oak St, Juneau

Support Extension