Area Directors Caucus for Early Childcare Centers

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Event Information


October 8th, 2024


10:00am - 12:00pm

Support for Early Childcare Educators

Many families depend on childcare providers during the first years of a child’s life. Providers can play a key role in strengthening families and building stronger communities. Childcare programs provide important preventive services, often taking on the role of family resource centers in communities that lack such services.

Childcare providers are viewed as the “experts” in child development. They connect parents to community resources, model developmentally appropriate parenting practices and provide education related to stages of child development. Parents and providers working together in partnership create healthy environments and long-term benefits for children.

In Wisconsin, the early childhood workforce, estimated to be nearly 17,000, is required to complete up to 15 hours of continuing education annually (Center for the Study of Childcare Employment, 2020). We know that high quality educators create high quality childcare this leads to healthy growth and development for children.

Early Childcare Center Directors are invited to attend the Dodge and Jefferson County Area Directors Caucus. The Caucus meets every other month. Bimonthly meeting topics include things like updates, time for professional development, opportunities for networking and more!

Next meeting dates are October 8th and December 10th in Watertown.

For more information on the Every Child Thrives Dodge and Jefferson County Area Directors Caucus, please contact Patricia Carroll:

Support Extension