🐮🍦Happy June Dairy Month!😋🍨

It’s June and we’re in the Dairy State, so I bet you know what that means – it’s time to celebrate National Dairy Month!  This month-long celebration was established in 1937 as “National Milk Month” by grocer organizations to promote the distribution of surplus milk. In 1939, the name was changed to “National Dairy Month” […]

Farmers Market Resources – English/Español

The follow resources are also always available on our Food Resources page: https://dodge.extension.wisc.edu/food-resources/ Paying with Market Money Printable PDF Pagando con Market Money Printable PDF Market Money Es Tan Facil Como 1-2-3 Printable PDF

EXTENSION IN ACTION – Youth Development Edition

What is Extension? Do you offer classes? Are they free? Is there someone to answer my questions? Can you test the lid on my pressure canner? What’s wrong with my tree? You’ve come to the right place! Extension in Action is a NEW monthly newsletter to update you on current class offerings and tidbits of […]

2024 PEAQ Readings (as of 5/24/2024)

2024Predictive Equations for Alfalfa Quality (PEAQ) Readings Extension Dodge County and the Dodge County Forage Council are collecting biweekly PEAQ readings and scissor clip forage analysis starting in May and continuing as long as their alfalfa is standing. Predictive Equations for Alfalfa Quality (PEAQ) is a method to measure standing alfalfa’s forage quality before it’s […]

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