🎃It’s a Great Pumpkin Collage

Over the past few weeks, Dodge County youth have been submitting pictures of their pumpkin creations! We had 23 entries total for a Fun Fall 4-H Pumpkin Prize Pack. Lucky entry #13 won the prize. Check out all 23 entries and all their fun creativity. Enjoy!

Youth Tractor Safety Resources

Have a kid helping around farm equipment? Check out Tractor Safety! The course prepares youth to safely operate tractors of 20 horse-power or greater, and covers the following topics: Learn More on the State Page: https://farms.extension.wisc.edu/programs/youth-tractor-safety/youth-tractor-safety-courses/#startpage Watertown Sign Up: https://madisoncollege.edu/academics/professional-continuing-education/watertown

🎉National 4-H Week Starts Sunday 🎉

National 4-H Week is here! Running from October 6 – 12th, National 4-H Week is the perfect time to show off your 4-H spirit! This year, Wisconsin 4-H is celebrating by participating in a statewide service project, promoting 4-H, and by participating in the themed National 4-H Week on social media! Check out the social media […]

Expanding Your Horizons – Girls & S.T.E.M. Careers

Are you in GRADES 6, 7 or 8 and thinking about your future? Are you unsure about what careers are out there? Do you like games and puzzles, computers, or working with your hands? Are you interested in nature, the environment, or health? Do you wonder about the stars above you or the earth beneath […]

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