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Educational Experiences & Key Award
The 4-H Program is so much more than just activities and events at the club and county level. Opportunities are available for youth to travel and participate in State and National educational experiences. Each year Dodge County 4-H Leaders offer scholarships to support youth attending these trips. Applicants submit a cover letter, resume and reference page along with an application. The final step in the process is to participate in a short interview process. Interviews will be coordinated with each applicant.
The following materials must be received by the Dodge County Extension Office (in paper form), emailed to treider@wisc.edu, or submitted digitally before 4:30pm December 15th:
- Key Award & Educational Experience Scholarship Application
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Reference Page with Two References
Key Award & Educational Experiences Scholarships Application Options:
Member Experience Opportunity Descriptions:
Space Camp (6th-8th grade) 4 days, typically early May Estimated Cost: $1,300 |
Youth take a bus down to Huntsville, Alabama, for a 4 day journey. These campers get the opportunity to venture away from home to meet new friends, develop leadership and teamwork skills, and learn all about space. This experience is where youth learn and experience life as an astronaut, working at NASA, and exploring places beyond Earth! Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp Experience participates the Pathfinder Program. |
Advanced Space Camp (10th-12th grade) 7 days, typically mid-February Estimated Cost: $2700 |
Youth will travel via coach bus down to Huntsville, Alabama, and will stay in the dormitories at Space Camp with the exception of the first and last nights being at a hotel in route to Space Camp. This camp builds on Space Camp, adapting to older grades. Every activity has an educational purpose with the goal of teaching kids all about space, STEM, and teamwork. All of these activities are done in a team with other 4-H youth and adults from across the state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin 4-H Advanced Space Camp Experience participates the Pathfinder Program. |
Summer Academy (7th-10th grade) 4 days, typically mid-June Estimated Cost: $600 |
Join us on the UW Madison Campus for the new Summer Academy June 24-27, 2024. This Positive Youth Development program will help you discover pathways to your future. Learn what it takes to have a career, or a hobby in several SPARK areas including agriculture, STEM, service, leadership, arts, trades, and many more. There will be fun opportunities to build networks and friendships with peers from all over Wisconsin. |
American Spirit East (8th-10th grade) 10 days, typically June or July Estimated Cost: $2,900 |
American Spirit East is the opportunity for youth to experience history and heritage through a 10-day bus trip to the East Coast! Participants will increase knowledge of American history while seeing where it occurred. Encounter dynamic exposure to diverse cultural experiences and perspectives about the foundation of our nation. |
(CWF) Citizenship Washington Focus (10th-12th grade) 8 days, typically June or July Est. Cost: $2,500 |
CWF is the premier week long 4-H citizenship and leadership experience! It brings 4-H delegations from all over the country to stay in our Nation’s Capitol, Washington D.C.! Experiences include: Gettysburg, Mount Vernon, National Museum of African American History and Culture, meetings with Wisconsin State Senators, Capitol Hill, National Mall Tour, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery and workshops with 4-H members from all across the U.S. |
National 4-H Congress (10th-12th grade) 5 days, typically late November Estimated Cost: $1,500 |
National 4-H Congress is a five-day Educational Experience held in Atlanta, GA. Congress is the premiere nationwide event for 4-Hers to network with others from around the country, Canada, and Puerto Rico. While at Congress, 4-Hers engage in leadership, citizenship, global awareness, and inclusion. |
National 4-H Conference (10th-12th grade) 4 days, typically mid-April Est. Cost: $2,000 |
National 4-H Conference brings 4-H youth and adults from around the nation to work towards strengthening and expanding the 4-H at the local, state, and national levels. National 4-H Conference is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture’s premier youth development opportunity to engaging youth. This opportunity requires an application and selection process through the State. |
Wisconsin 4-H Youth Key Award (Grades 9 – 13)
**Must have completed at least 3 years in 4-H to qualify/apply**

The Wisconsin Key Award is one of the most prestigious honors awarded to 4-H members across Wisconsin. This is your opportunity to highlight what you have accomplished through 4-H. The Wisconsin 4-H Key Award Program recognizes a select group of 4-H participants who’ve demonstrated consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, developed and applied leadership skills, and actively participated in the functions of their 4-H club and community. Candidates must have passed their 14th birthday on January 1 and must have completed at least three years of 4-H and one year of youth leadership. Selection is based on an evaluation of the candidate’s total 4-H record, which consists of membership, projects, activities, leadership, personal development and county 4-H and community involvement. Each Key Award recipient receives a certificate, a Key Award pin and notable recognition.
Questions please call UW Extension Dodge County at 920-386-3790