For more information contact:
Joanne Wolan
Wisconsin 4-H Foundation
Madison, Wis.– Tractor Supply Company (TSC) and Wisconsin 4-H Foundation have teamed up again for the Paper Clover Campaign. For every $1 paper clover sold at a Wisconsin TSC during the campaign, 90 cents comes to the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation to be used for leadership activities. The other dime supports National 4-H Council. The Fall 2024 Campaign runs October 2-13, 2024.
“The paper clover campaign is a great way for everyone to visit their local Tractor Supply and support Wisconsin 4-H,” says Brenda Scheider, Executive Director of the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation. “Those dollars add up quickly. Last year the TSC campaigns provided $30,000 to support leadership programming like the Fall Leadership Forum and the Wisconsin Leadership Council.”
The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation is providing an incentive to any 4-H club or individual 4-H member who does an in-store promotion at a Wisconsin TSC store during the Fall 2024 Paper Clover Campaign.
A $50 TSC gift card will be given to any club who completes an in-store promotion and a $25 TSC gift card will be given to any 4-H member who completes an in-store promotion during the Fall 2024 Paper Clover Campaign. For rules and how to register: Wis4HFoundation.org/tscpaperclover.
Scheider continues, “These promotions are a great way to share the incredible opportunities that 4-H provides to our youth. And we’re grateful to Tractor Supply for their support of Wisconsin 4-H. Look for 4-Hers at your local stores and say hello.”
Tractor Supply stores in communities across the country have long supported 4-H clubs. For more information about TSC, visit their website: www.tractorsupply.com